Essential oils & skincare! There isnt a more natural way!

Skincare is a major industry these days as our skin is what we all look at every day, when we look in the mirror and when we look at each other. It’s the largest organ in our body after all! Our face is the first thing we see, on a normal day anyway!

We all know the basics of looking after our skin. Clean it, protect it, but we also want to care for it if there is a problem. Any flare ups, rashes, irritations?  We want to keep it plumped, young, wrinkle free and looking like it did when we were 16. Of course, this cannot happen, or can it?

In my opinion the best way to keep your skin naturally young and vibrant would be to use natural products. Not ingredients we have never heard of. This is also a great option for people with sensitive skin. A simple cream base made with natural ingredients and some essential oils is a plan I encourage which is why I make them.

In time there will be a Ya Wee Beauty Naturals skin care line but for now I’d just like to help with a few blends that could help different areas of your skin. So if you are a DIY oiler you have a few tips and if you’re not you can use the what’s app function on the website to message me and get your bespoke order in!

I’ve recently made a few lotions and potions up for myself! I have slightly dull slightly greasy AGING skin, so I have blended into a cream, Frankincense and patchouli which help with aging. I have added jasmine and orange to help with achieving that glowing skin. The orange is also great for greasy skin. Below are a few general blends that are great for different skin types.

To be honest any essential oil applied to your skin will improve it. Its just how they work. But beware of any citrus oils as they can cause some damage when they see the sun. Repeat after me, No citrus in the sun!

The Ultimate Tightener

In a 5ml rollerball mix –

5 drops Sage

5 drops Lemongrass

5 Drops Pine

Top up with carrier oil (I use this one from amazon

Glow up

5 drops Orange

5 Drops Jasmine

Add to a cream base of your choice approximately 10ml


5 drops Lavender

5 Drops Roman Chamomile

Add to a cream base of your choice approximately 10ml


5 drops Cedarwood

5 Drops Bergamot

3 Drops Thyme

Add to a cream base of your choice approximately 10ml

The combinations that could be used to help all different skin conditions and skin types is endless. Please do not hesitate to get on touch for any information or help its my favorite thing in the world! 95% of your selfie is your skin, show it some love, naturally.

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