- Inhaler
Breathe inhaler
- £6.50
- This blend of oils is specifically designed to support cold and flu symptoms. Containing 3 types of eucalyptus oil, its fresh notes support clear breathing, relieve stuffy heads and combat congestion. Inhale as needed to clear blocked noses and heavy chests. Suitable during pregnancy. Suitable for children.
- Inhaler
Morning Sickness Relief
- £6.50
- One of the many challenges women face when we are pregnant is nausea. This is generally in the first 3 months but can last all the way through. A natural aid to that is Ginger essential oil. This product is so simple yet so effective with morning sickness. You can use as often as you like and is discreet and…
- Inhaler
Brain Fog Inhaler
- £6.50
- Brain fog aid
- Rollerball
Perspiration Relief Roller
- £8.00
- Perspiration rollerball supports any kind of perspiration whether this is just something you suffer from at certain times of the year or whether it is a hormonal issue, menopause for example. The peppermint produces a cooling feeling and helps the body cool as it enters your system. 20ml
- Rollerball
Migaraine Relief Roller
- £9.50
- Migraine remedy uses a blend M-Grain to support pain relief and combat nausea. Apply to chest, back of the neck and temples (please avoid eyes) in the morning and night as a preventative measure or when the pain or dizziness starts. 20ml
- Rollerball
Allergy Relief Roller
- £9.50
- This is a natural antihistamine, using lemon, peppermint and lavender to support seasonal allergies. It also helps decongest, relax sinuses and relieve head tension. This blend supports all allergy related ailments or allergic reactions. 20ml
- Oil
Psoriasis Relief Scalp Oil
- £9.50
- Psoriasis oil is used to calm irritation , reduce inflammation and regulate PH. It can also be purchased as an cream. This oil is ideal for use on the scalp. For best results massage into scalp before bed and wash off in the morning 20ml